LDC User Accounts
The key to accessing LDC data is your user account. There are three types of accounts within the LDC system: guest, organization user and administrator.
Guest status is the initial step to register a new organization or to join an organization’s existing LDC account. Guests cannot download or license data. When a guest account is created, notification for approval is sent to the account administrator(s) if the guest has indicated an affiliation with an existing organization account. Once approved, guest status changes to organization user. Individuals who join as guests will eventually be affiliated with a new or existing organization account if data is requested.
Organization users can download and license data and view the licensing history of their organization.
Administrators have the additional authority to approve, create and remove user and guest accounts; they can also view and print invoices and quotes.
To learn more about user account roles, visit our website or register your new account today.