LDC hosts and participates in various workshops and has also provided coordination and support for NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) technology evaluation workshops.
In an effort to explore novel incentives in data collection and annotation as a way to increase the availability of language resources, LDC organized three workshops: the first on novel incentives broadly conceived (LREC 2016 Workshop) (Portorož, May 2016), the second a planning workshop for LDC’s infrastructure development funded by the US National Science Foundation (NIEUW (Novel Incentives and Engineering Unique Workflows) Workshop) (Philadelphia, October 2016) and a third dealing with Citizen Linguistics as a specific type of novel incentive in conjunction with LREC2020 (CLLRD Workshop) (December 2020).
With support from the Penn China Research and Engagement Fund, LDC organized three workshops: The Third International Symposium on Linguistic Diversity, Language Resources and Clinical Research (November 2020, virtual), The Second International Symposium on Language Resources and Intelligence, co-organized with Beijing Language and Culture University (December 2018, Beijing), and the International Workshop on Language Resource Construction: Theory, Methodology and Applications in collaboration with Peking University (November 2017, Beijing).
As part of a larger goal to extend collaborative research in the languages of the Americas, LDC organized two workshops in 2018: (1) Planning Workshop on Data Archives and Languages of the Americas (Philadelphia, February 2018), supported by a Penn University Research Foundation grant and a School of Arts and Sciences Conference Support Grant; and (2) International Workshop on Data Intensive Research on Languages of the Americas (Mexico City, May 2018) supported by the Penn Global Engagement Fund.