May 2014 Newsletter

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Corpora

GALE Arabic-English Word Alignment Training Part 2 -- Newswire

Hispanic-English Database

HyTER Networks of Selected OpenMT08/09 Sentences


LDC at LREC2014
LDC will attend the 9th Language Resource Evaluation Conference (LREC2014), hosted by ELRA, the European Language Resource Association. The conference will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland from May 26-31 and features a broad range of sessions on language resource and human language technologies research. Ten LDC staff members will be presenting current work on topics including the language application grid project, collecting natural SMS and chat conversations in multiple languages, incorporating alternate translations into English translation treebanks, supporting HLT research with degraded audio data, developing an Egyptian Arabic Treebank and more.

Following the conference LDC’s presented papers and posters will be available on LDC’s Papers Page.