LDC adds DOIs to the Catalog
LDC’s language resources now include a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), an internationally recognized identification standard for online digital material. This means that LDC data sets have four persistent identifiers, a unique LDC number, ISBN, ISLRN and DOI. DOIs are alpha numeric strings that correspond to URLs and metadata for specified resources. They are expressed as links that resolve to the object’s online location. For example, the DOI for Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English LDC2020T16 is https://doi.org/10.35111/4hzx-5483 which leads users to the LDC catalog entry for this data set. To facilitate its assignment and administration of DOIs, LDC has joined DataCite, a global DOI provider for research data. Adding DOIs is consistent with our aim to follow best practices for archiving and curating digital resources, evidenced by the CoreTrustSeal certification which recognizes the LDC Catalog as a trustworthy data repository.