November 2019 Newsletter
New Publications
DEFT English Committed Belief Annotation
CALLFRIEND American English-Non-Southern Dialect Second Edition
TAC KBP Cold Start - Comprehensive Evaluation Data 2012-2017
IARPA Babel Amharic Language Pack IARPA-babel307b-v1.0b
Join LDC for Membership Year 2020
Membership Year 2020 (MY2020) is open and discounts are available for those who keep their membership current and join early in the year. Now through March 2, 2020, current MY2019 members who renew their LDC membership before March 2 will receive a 10% discount off the membership fee. New or returning organizations will receive a 5% discount through March 2.
In addition to receiving new publications, current LDC members also enjoy the benefit of licensing older data at reduced costs from our Catalog of over 800 holdings. Current-year for-profit members may use most data for commercial applications.
Plans for MY2020 publications are in progress. Among the expected releases are:
- Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 3.0: semantic treebank of over 59,000 English natural language sentences from broadcast conversations, newswire, weblogs and web discussion forums; updates the second version (LDC2017T10) with new annotations
- TAC KBP: English sentiment slot filling, surprise slot filling, nugget detection and coreference, and event argument data in all languages (English, Chinese and Spanish)
- DEFT Chinese ERE: Chinese discussion forum data annotated for entities, relations and events
- LibriVox Spanish: 73 hours of Spanish audiobook read speech and transcripts
- IARPA Babel Language Packs (telephone speech and transcripts): languages include Dhuluo, Javanese and Mongolian
- HAVIC Med Training data: web video, metadata, and annotations for developing multimedia systems
- RATS Speaker Identification: conversational telephone speech in Levantine Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Farsi and Dari on degraded audio signals with annotation of speech segments for speaker identification
- BOLT: discussion forums, SMS/chat, conversational telephone speech, word-aligned, tagged and co-reference data in all languages (Chinese, Egyptian Arabic, and English)
It’s also not too late to join for MY2018 (through December 31, 2019) and MY2019 (through December 31, 2020). Data sets from those years include Concretely Annotated New York Times and English Gigaword, DIRHA English WSJ Audio, BOLT English Treebank – Discussion Forum, First DIHARD Challenge Development and Evaluation releases, Penn Discourse Treebank Version 3.0, and 2016 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Test Set.
For full descriptions of all LDC data sets, browse our Catalog.
Visit Join LDC for details on membership, user accounts and payment.
Spring 2020 Data Scholarship Program
Applications are now being accepted through January 15, 2020 for the Spring 2020 LDC Data Scholarship program which provides university students with no-cost access to LDC data. Consult the LDC Data Scholarship page for more information about program rules and submission requirements.