March 2020 Newsletter

Friday, March 13, 2020

New Publications

BOLT Egyptian Arabic-English Word Alignment -- Conversational Telephone Speech Training


Mixer 4 and 5 Speech


Spring 2020 LDC Data Scholarship recipients
LDC congratulates the following Spring 2020 Data Scholarship recipients: 

  • Zahra Azin (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey) is awarded a copy of Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 3.0 (LDC2020T02) for her work in Turkish AMR.
  • Spandan Dey (IIT Kharagpur, India) is awarded a copy of Multi-Language Conversational Telephone Speech – South Asian (LDC2017S14) for his research on automatic language recognition.
  • Jonathan Downey (University of California, Santa Barbara, US) is awarded a copy of the ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English (LDC2014T06) for his research on second language acquisition and quantitative methodologies for educational measurements.
  • Nathaniel Fackler (University of Georgia, US) is awarded a copy of the ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English (LDC2014T06) for his work on adult second language acquisition.
  • B. Senthil Kumar (SSN College of Engineering & Anna University, India) is awarded a copy of 2009 CoNLL Shared Task Part 2 (LDC2012T04) for his research on semantic role labeling.
  • Ming Li (Colorado School of Mines, US) is awarded a copy of TIDIGITS (LDC93S10) for her research on inferring speech signals from motion data in Internet of Things (IoT) security. 
  • Jialiang Lin (Xiamen University, China) is awarded a copy of the ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English (LDC2014T06) for his project to train and test an automated essay scoring model.  

Students can learn more about the LDC Data Scholarship program and the next application cycle on the Data Scholarships page. 

LDC Data and Commercial Technology Development 
For-profit organizations are reminded that an LDC membership is a pre-requisite for obtaining a commercial license to almost all LDC databases. Non-member organizations, including non-member for-profit organizations, cannot use LDC data to develop or test products for commercialization, nor can they use LDC data in any commercial product or for any commercial purpose. LDC data users should consult corpus-specific license agreements for limitations on the use of certain corpora. Visit the Licensing page for further information.