July 2020 Newsletter

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

New Publications

BOLT Chinese-English Word Alignment and Tagging -- Conversational Telephone Speech Training


Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English Now Available From LDC 
LDC is pleased to announce that the Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English (LDC2020T16) – an important community resource for 20 years – is now available for licensing in the LDC Catalog. Developed by University of Pennsylvania researchers in the Linguistics Department under the direction of Professor Anthony Kroch, this data set consists of syntactic annotation of English prose texts from the earliest Middle English documents (1100 CE) up to the period of the First World War (1914 CE) represented in three corpora:  

  • The Penn-Helsinki Corpus of Middle English, second edition
  • The Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English
  • The Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English, second edition 

This release also includes annotation guidelines and philological information for each corpus as well as the CorpusSearch 2 program which allows users to search the data for words, word sequences and syntactic structure. 

In addition to being of value to students and scholars of the history of English, this data set is useful to computational linguists for domain adaptation. More information about this project is available from the Penn Parsed Corpora of Historical English homepage

Current licensees should contact LDC’s membership office with any questions regarding access to this data set.   

Fall 2020 LDC Data Scholarship Program 
Student applications for the Fall 2020 LDC Data Scholarship program are being accepted now through September 15, 2020. This scholarship program provides eligible students with no-cost access to LDC data. Students must complete an application consisting of a data use proposal and letter of support from their advisor.  

For application requirements and program rules, please visit the LDC Data Scholarship page