January 2021 Newsletter

Friday, January 15, 2021

New Publications 

LORELEI Akan Representative Language Pack

ATIS – Seven Languages

BOLT English Treebank – SMS/Chat


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Curated language resources are more important than ever to support research and language technology development, including the expanding fields around remote work, pandemic-related technologies, and non-contact interactions. LDC members enjoy no-cost access to 30+ new corpora released annually, as well as the ability to license legacy data sets at reduced fees. Ensure that your data needs continue to be met by renewing your LDC membership or by joining the Consortium today. 

Now through March 1, 2021, 2020 members receive a 10% discount on 2021 membership, and new or returning organizations receive a 5% discount. Membership remains the most economical way to access current and past LDC releases. Consult Join LDC for more details on membership options and benefits.