January 2020 Newsletter

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

New Publications

Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) Annotation Release 3.0

Database of Word Level Statistics – Mandarin

LibriVox Spanish


Renew Your LDC Membership Today 
Join LDC for MY2020 while membership savings are still available. Now through March 2, 2020, renewing MY2019 members receive a 10% discount off the 2020 membership fee. New or returning member organizations receive a 5% discount. This year’s planned publications include Mixer 4 and 5 Speech (English telephone speech and interviews), IARPA Babel Language Packs (telephone speech and transcripts in underserved languages), and data from BOLT, DEFT, RATS, TAC KBP and more. Membership remains the most economical way to access LDC releases. Visit Join LDC for details on membership options and benefits. 

LREC Workshop on Citizen Linguistics 
LDC Researchers and their colleagues are organizing a workshop on Citizen Linguistics and Language Resource Development at LREC 2020 (Language Resource and Evaluation Conference) to take place on May 16, 2020. The workshop includes an open call for papers in language-related citizen science, a tutorial on using the new LanguageARC.org citizen linguistics portal and a special session on best papers using LanguageARC.