Penn URF/SAS Workshop

Planning Workshop on Data Archives and Languages of the Americas

Hosted by LDC and made possible by a Penn University Research Foundation grant and a School of Arts and Sciences Conference Support Grant, this workshop took place at LDC’s headquarters in Philadelphia on February 8-9, 2018.


This Planning Workshop is part of LDC’s larger goal to extend collaborative research in the areas of linguistics, language resource creation, natural language processing, and human language technology development in the diverse languages of the Americas (North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean). It will be followed by an international conference in Latin America to further promote research collaboration and encourage the development and sharing of language resources in the languages of the Americas including Spanish, Portuguese, Caribbean dialects, and indigenous languages such as Nahuatl and Mixtec.

Speakers were invited experts who manage linguistic data archives and resource centers. They discussed their unique challenges and needs as well as opportunities for promoting and extending collaboration in the Americas.


Language Resources of and in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities
Christopher Cieri and James Fiumara, Linguistic Data Consortium
Available: Slides in PDF 

Kaipuleohone UH Digital Language Archive and the Kaniʻāina Project
Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
Available: Slides in PDF 

Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project (SLAAP) and the Corpus of Regional African American Language (CORAAL)
Tyler Kendall, University of Oregon

Global Open Resources and Information for Language and Linguistic Analysis (GORILLA)
Damir Cavar and Malgorzata Cavar, Indiana University
Available: Slides in PDF 

Some challenges ahead for the Open Language Archives Community
Gary Simons, SIL International
Available: Slides in PDF 

TalkBank: A Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction
Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University
Available: Slides in PDF 

The Long Now Library
Laura Welcher, The Long Now Foundation

SIL International Language and Culture Archives
Jeremy Nordmoe, SIL International
Available: Slides in PDF