LAAND 2016 Workshop

First Annual Workshop on Linguistic Approaches to Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (LAAND)

This workshop brought together interested researchers and clinicians from a variety of disciplines, with the goal of advancing knowledge about speech-language variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and fostering new collaborations. The workshop took place at LDC's headquarters in Philadelphia on May 9, 2016. 

Organizing Committee 

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Autism Research 


Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Specific Language Impairment in Clinical and Research Contexts
Lisa Blaskey, PhD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology
Available: Slides in PDF

Disfluency & ASD
Joe Donaher, PhD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Center for Children’s Communication
Available: Slides in PDF

Linguistic Markers of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Classification Sensitivity and Specificity of Language Produced During Clinical Evaluation
Julia Parish-Morris*, Mark Liberman**, Christopher Cieri**, Neville Ryant**, Robert T. Schultz*
*Center for Autism Research, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
**Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania
Available: Slides in PDF

Language specificity and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ani Nenkova, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Computer Science and Engineering
Available: Slides in PDF

Learning to Interact: Developmental Trajectories of Linguistic Alignment in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Ethan Weed, PhD, Aarhus University School of Communication and Culture
Available: Slides in PDF